Old Ideas New

As an artist, a hobby of mine is to take my old ideas and techniques and revisit them years later just to see what happens. In 2005-2006 I spent a great deal of time on a visual effects shot for a superhero short film “War of the Heroes” here is an attempt a decade later to recreate…

Stargate Test

I’ve been re-watching Stargate Atlantis again recently and really enjoying myself. The show sparked my interest to attempt some of the iconic visual effects on my own. I started with the Stargate Event Horizon. These are some of the reference images I pulled for inspiration. Using my trusty weapon of choice, After Effects, I started with…

Planets in After Effects

In my early days of using Photoshop (back in version 7.0, before Creative Cloud, before Creative Suite!) I enjoyed the challenge of making pieces of art from scratch. Among my favorites were creating planets and other science fiction landscapes. Here are some other tests but this time in After Effects.     AE recipe Planet…


Same cast, same location, 13 years later. Based on our first short film “Demise of the Republic” in 2003 comes this impromptu 2016 remake. We shot this in two half days during my little sister’s wedding while all of us were in town together again. Finally Finished! Please enjoy Demise from 2016!   A Look Behind the…

Star Wars Laser Tutorial

Star Wars episode 7 The Force Awakens premiered before Christmas. It was fantastic! I have always loved Star Wars, I credit a lot of my early imagination to that galaxy, particularly my interest in movies and special effects. There is a great scene toward the beginning of the new film where Poe Dameron shoots at…