Lethal Abilities – 2005

Back in action! Lethal Abilities is the second official movie my brothers, cousins and I made;  (I say second official movie because it was when we started to get serious about making movies. We had been filming ourselves for years: skits, plays, short stories, whatever, but it wasn’t until we had the ability to edit…

Wooden Shield

I wanted to make some kind of shield, work in wood, and get some new tools. I used this project as an opportunity to do all 3! 🙂 I am a huge fan of The Replica Prop Forum, the creativity in those forums is amazing, so here’s a shout out to all you inspiring people!…

short student film Batman spoof

Batman Parody – Short Film

This is a short Batman parody we did as an old group project for school. We were supposed to “swede” a popular film. So, we decided to do some Batman stuff, we mixed The Dark Knight with the 1960s shows. It was shot in one night and cut in the following day or so, just in…